RB26DETT Wiring Harness COMBO for Datsuns - OEM SERIES

Plug and play ledningsnett for deg som vil sette en RB26DETT motor i en Datsun.
Ledningsnettet passer blandt annet alle "Fairlady Z" bilene

Her er alt klart til montering, alt du behøver og gjøre er og velge ut de riktige kontaktene i listen.

Datsun 240Z L24 1970 - 1973
Datsun 260Z L26 1974 - 1978
Datsun 280Z L28 1975 - 1978
Art.nr: 136046641
Ecu Type
Luftmengdemåler/MAP sensor
Oksygen sensor/lambda sonde
Motor type
10 446 kr

Package includes:

- Brand new ENGINE harness
- Brand new KNOCK SENSORS harness
- OPTIONAL: Coilpack and Injector harnesses
* For AEM MAP conversion, please indicate the location of the AIT and the MAP sensors on the engine/piping in the NOTES section when ordering.

Engine: R34 Skyline GTR RB26DETT

- Only supports engines running a manual transmission


- 1200, 1500, 1600, 2000, 510, 240Z, 260Z, 280Z, 280ZX and many more!

Engine Harness Includes:

- Fuse Block and Relay system installed for proper ECCS ON and OFF operation with ECU Memory retention
- Fuel Pump output wire that connects directly to the pump
- Power wire with appropriate fuses, battery terminal and 10 feet length to connect to the battery
- Ignition Input wire from Ignition Key
- Nissan consult connector
- OUTPUT connections for ECU tachometer signal, Check engine light, Engine Temp (Nissan dash signal)

Engine Harness Features:

- Brand new wiring and connectors
- Fuse and Relay Blocks
- Support the OEM Consult port
- Improved grounding routing by addition of internal cross-grounding
- OEM connector specs (no cheap aftermarket connectors that fall apart)
- Designed for a factory-like installation and fit and finish for ANY DATSUN
- Works with aftermarket intakes
- Fully tested after production for an easy plug-and-play replacement
- Turn Key ENGINE START Guarantee

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